Canadian Angels By Your Side
Karen Forrest
Nonfiction: Angels, Spirituality
112 pages
ISBN: 978-1-897426-08-1
6" x 9" Paperback
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Do you believe in angels? Canadian Angels By Your Side is a collection of heartwarming angel stories from people across Canada. These are personal stories about events ranging from everyday encounters to profound moments of healing. These Canadian angel encounters will make you laugh, make you cry, but above all inspire you. Did you ever wonder how to personally make contact with your angels? Following each story is relevant, angelic information to assist you in connecting with your angels.
Read about loving angel messages, heartfelt prayers and meaningful angel tips. Learn how you can summon angels in your daily life and how to ask for and recognize their divine guidance. The book is written in a conversational, down-to-earth way by Karen Forrest, author and internationally recognized Angel Therapy Practitioner. Through her practice, Karen progressed from just simply believing in angels to experiencing angels in her daily life. Learn how to invoke Archangel Raphael, how angels visually appear to you and how to send angels to other people. Read comforting messages from your angels reassuring you your deceased loved ones are at peace. Learn how to free yourself of your fearful thoughts and enjoy safe travel.
Focusing on inspiration and faith, Canadian Angels By Your Side encourages you to make contact with the angelic/divine realms to lovingly guide and heal you in all aspects of your life. Transcending various religious and spiritual beliefs, the book focuses on personal connections to angels and God. Read the stories, follow the offered insights and begin leading a life of peace, love and purpose.
Karen Forrest, BN, CD, Angel Therapy Practitioner (certified by Doreen Virtue), is the author of Angels of the Maritimes By Your Side. She is a motivational speaker and radio co-host and has received extensive spiritual training. A retired mental health nursing officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, Karen works from a diverse background. With a vision of assisting people to personally connect with their angels and God in honouring their life purpose, Karen offers private angel/medium readings and workshops through her practice, Words of Wisdom Counselling. She counsels and heals with a heart of compassion. Karen's website is www.karenforrest.com.
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